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Thank you note for Coach Sommer

Marco Levati

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Marco Levati

Few days ago I had a car accident where my Achilles tendon was compressed under the weight of a car full of luggage, 2 bikes and 2 people in it. Coach Christopher Sommer said that his athletes can stand multiple time their body weight because of the strength of their connective tissues. I did experience this first hand. I have been practicing deep stretching for the past 2 years, following the Stretch series of the program Gymnastic bodies. The car run over my foot but everything seems intact. I don't have pain neither palpating the area, so this means my legaments and tendons are intact. They were able to withstand the stress for a very short amount of time. This is an amazing result for me and I really want to thank the coach for his perseverance and pursuit of excellence, which created and outstanding program. 




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