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If You Had to Pick One...


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Supplement, nutritional item, medicine, etc. that would be the only thing you could take outside of meals, what would it be? A certain protein power? A multivitamin? Royal Jelly?

"A good diet" does not count as one thing, by the way :D

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100% Fish oil.

Systemic inflammation is a problem with the modern diet. Even eating well (you'd have to go grassfed cow milk, meat, butter, omega 3 eggs, etc.) is gonna be a huge hassle if you're not living in the country or have easy access to such things. So most people need to s upplement omega 3s to operate well.

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A question from a guy moving to the states: how easy is it to keep a good diet in college? There is a buffet and there seems to be an athlete's meal plan, but I'm worried they still don't realise the importance of organic stuff even though it may not be what I have come to think of as the typical american 'crap food'. I'm asking just in general, how easy is it if you're willing to spend the time and money on it to keep a clean food healthy diet?

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Neal Winkler

Seiji, I would say it depends on the composition of your diet. Most likely, fish oil is going to be your best bet, but it's possible (but not likely) to get a good ratio of 6:3 in your diet - in which case something else would be the best thing you could take. It all comes down to whats missing and out of those things what has the highest priority (most likely fish oil).

Razz, since you said you are willing to invest the time and money, then of course it is easy to eat healthy in college.

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Jay Guindon

I'm torn between Vitamin D and Fish Oil. I live in Vancouver so we don't see a lot of sun so Vit. D supplementation is required. A number of studies have shown that appropriate levels of vitamin D circulating in the system reduces the risk of many cancers. A number of studies also show that decresing inflammation through EPA/DHA can prevent cancers as well as increase insulin sensitivity, enhance cognitive function, fight depression and anxiety, and autoimmune disease. Rheumetoid arhtiritis seems to be especially well treated with fish oil.

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Jason Stein


I'm with Jay there, I live in the Northwest. The only supplement I take regularly is vitamin D.

I have the incredible fortune to eat only grass-fed meat and eggs, but during the times of year when that's not available, I supplement with fish-oil.

Also, does eating enough qualify as a 'supplement'?

I spent a period of time following the GB WODs and following a Paleo-Zone prescription and, in retrospect, under-eating.

Fish-oil, vitamin D and 12 hours of sleep were in effect useless because my food quantity wasn't balanced with my output.



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yuri marmerstein
A question from a guy moving to the states: how easy is it to keep a good diet in college? There is a buffet and there seems to be an athlete's meal plan, but I'm worried they still don't realise the importance of organic stuff even though it may not be what I have come to think of as the typical american 'crap food'. I'm asking just in general, how easy is it if you're willing to spend the time and money on it to keep a clean food healthy diet?

where in america are you moving to?

Personally I had no trouble eating well in college, though it depends on your style of dining hall. I may even have eaten too much

we had all you can eat buffet style, and the salad bar was quite well stocked. there was always tuna or hard boiled eggs or cottage cheese and things like that just in case the served meat was unappetizing. I really enjoyed my dining halls and ended up gaining a good amount of muscle on the college diet.

of course this was years ago, and I'm sure I could do even better on it now

the only problem was that there were certain time windows in the day that you had to eat. but no worries

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Yeah, eating well (grass fed beef, free range eggs, raw milk, etc.) would be ideal for diet. If you have these things you can probably forego fish oil.

Vitamin D is good as well.

These are pretty much the only two I take consistently.

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Playing with BMR today and noticed for a 150lb person, gymnastics burns 290 calories/hour.

Dammit, besides the fact I use a bike to commute, how many calories I'm not getting isn't even funny. :roll:

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if money is not an issue, does taking excessive vitamins, BCAA, protein and minerals harm your body in any way, or are you just generating expensive piss with no side effects?

I probably take more than I need of all of the above, and have felt great. I dont remember the last time I got sick, or woke up feeling bad.

I also take 6g omega 3 fish oil.. is this the optimum amount for a 73kg male with 9%bf?

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James Portillo

Question also.. what would you say is the best "form" of certain foods to have such as milk or cottage cheese? (i.e. whole milk/2%/fat free or whole cottage cheese, etc..) I've read many mixed ideas before saying that 2% is processed beyond belief but the fat in whole dairy products is actually desirable.

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James, it depends on your genetics, age, and goals. Dairy may be troublesome for those wishing to lean out. Many are very allergic to pasteurized dairy or stuff in dairy. Many people are very lactose intolerant.

Aoa is that 6g of DHA/EPA or just 6g of fish oil?

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James, it depends on your genetics, age, and goals. Dairy may be troublesome for those wishing to lean out. Many are very allergic to pasteurized dairy or stuff in dairy. Many people are very lactose intolerant.

Aoa is that 6g of DHA/EPA or just 6g of fish oil?

i take 6 of these capsules:

420mg EPA

320 DHA

other fatty acids 75

all i hear is good stuff about this! thinking of upping my portion to 9g/day instead of 6g

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