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Inverted Planche


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I did one.


Well, for about 1/4-1/2 of a second... :lol:

This wasn't taken recently, but I forgot to show you guys. My dream! My legacy! I felt like sharing the picture because 1- I like it, and 2- I wanted to let you all know that I still have the same drive I used to have when I first started. According to my workout log, that's about half a year ago. I might be hurt and not work on this for a while (including like a month-2 before this), but that's not gonna stop me when I'm all better!

This is the community section after all. :D

Dream on people. That's what keeps me sane.

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I imagine for a "real" one your head would be more neutral? Either way, I hope you made that your facebook picture

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Actually screenshot


I'm going to make one of them my picture as soon as I fix the "boner" problem. LOL thanks guys :roll:

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I can press from floor Victorian to clap behind the back, and hold the reverse plance...at the bottom of a pool (LOL), where paddling really pays off.

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