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Imbalance in sides and how to deal with it

Eric Kamhi

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Hello all,

I've run into a weird pickle.  After a week off to rest (formthe first time in a year or so), I came back to my workout with a really weird injury. I lost almost all power in my left side in specific exercises.


It seems it is mostly due to my triceps no activating.  I can no longer push up from auscle up, do any dips, or to triceps extensions with a weight above 20lbs.


I'm going to a chiropractor that's adjusting me and it seems like after ten days some strength came back although I'm miles away from what it was. 

Currently I have a huge imbalance between my two sides which makes front levers, handstand push-ups etc skewed.


Since I mostly work compound movements without isolating sides, how do I deal with this recovery/rebuilding when both sides have such a power miss match?

Any pointers would be great.  


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Étienne Lajeunesse

Hey Eric,

Patience and consistency is your best bet for strength gain.  So, keep working on Foundation and Handstands and it should place itself with time.  If you're confortable playing with sets and reps, you can do more sets or reps on your left side by isolating them. If not, keep working on the elements. 

Hope it helps :)

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Alessandro Mainente

Hey Eric, from my experience with some type of injury in the past (I mean 9-10 years ago), I can say that usually the loss of strength on the pushing elements and on some pulling elements, it is due to rotator cuff problems and happens that there is a loss of strength. nerve impingement could be also a cause but it is rare.

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Thanks  for the pointers guys.


The weirdest thing is that I have no pain whatsoever. Rotator cuff issues I should be able to feel it.  When the chiropractor pressures the back side of my armpit above the lats, there is a lot of pain, tightening and electricity upntot he neck. But not normally or during work out. Only no power. 


I went from being able to do 5x5 muscle ups to none.  Can't push out from the dip. Forget even that, I can barely do three triceps extensions with a 15 lbs dumbbell on that side. 


So my dips are gone, can definitely feel that I'm 80% on right side in front levers. So that exercises form is shot.  Don't know how to scale or replace those exercises in this case. 

Weirdest thing is, my handstand push-ups don't seem that affected (a little but I can still have them in my routine). 

I need to figure out how to work out like this. 

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