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?s: warm-up, between sets, and request for routine critique


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Hey, I've been finetuning my gymnastic bodies sessions, with some very good advice from forum members (thanks!), and getting what I think are positive results. I am wondering a few things though. Any help is greatly appreciated!

1) What should I be doing being sets?

2) My warm-up currently consists of the following: Dynamic Joint Mobility, Wrist stretches, shoulder mobility, Ring Press-up - 20, Squat, Lunge, Side - 10 of each, Pull-up (2) -> support, Dip (2) => support. It takes a total of 10 minutes. Does this seem sensible?

3) I guess this last question is more of a request for a critique my current workload. I do GB Mon, Wed, and Fri (I also train Capoeira, dance/breakdance, floreio art, and when schedule permits, parkour). Here's my GB schedule:


B) Gymnasts' extended set - I do wide/shoulder width grip pullups and shoulder/narrow grip chin-ups, 10s between each, and a 3 minute rest between sets. I usually do 5 sets with as many reps as possible for a total of 12 repetitions of each variation.

C) (pistol w/ 5 lb plates 5/side, rest 1 minute, back lever, flat tuck - 0:15, rest 1 minute) - x 4

D) (PPP on ground – 5, front lever, tuck – 0:15 TOTAL) x 4 / 1m rest between exercises

E) (Ring dips - 8, If I can't do all 8 with full ROM, I start doing negatives, 90s rest, advanced frog/tuck planche - 0:25, 90s rest) x 4

F) (L-sit straddle - 20s total, rest 1 minute, front pull variations- 5) - x3


B) (squat muscle-up to seated negative – 5, advanced frog – 0:25) x 4 / 1 min rest between

C) Kipping pull-ups on bar - to failure - x 4 / 2m rest

D) (HeSPU, negatives with isometric - 5, rest 1 minute, back lever, flat tuck -0:15) – x4 /1m between

E) (harop curl - 5, front lever, tuck) – x4/1m rest between

F) (L-sit lift - 5, back pull negative - 5) – x3/1m rest

max kipping PU - 11,9,9,7 (3/24/10)


B) Ring Dead-hang pull-up - To failure x 4 / 3m rest (goal: 12 x 4. When achieved, begin L-pull-ups)

C. (back lever, tuck - 0:15, rest 1 minute, harop curl variation - 5, rest 1 minute) - x 4

D. front lever, tuck – 0:15 TOTAL x 4 / 90s rest

E. (advanced frog/tuck planche - 0:25, rest 1 minute, ring dip, full ROM/negs - 8, rest 1 minute)

F. (L-sit straddle - 0:20 total, HLL var's - 8 ) – x3/1m rest

max DHPU: 10,7,7,6 (3/8/10)

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No replies yet, so I was just wondering if there is something wrong about the way I phrased my questions. Are they too vague? Specific? I don't want to be asking oblivious questions; if there exist suggestions to reformulate them, I'd be happy to comply!

By the way, to elaborate on the first question, usually during sets I either clean around the apartment (1 minute is plenty of time to sweep a kitchen!) or play online chess (I've found that playing chess while training is a pretty good way to make stupid moves :lol: )

Anywho, just wondering.

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My GB goals are tailored for capoeira, dance, and parkour. Short-term includes HeSPU, BL and FL flat tuck, tuck planche, 20 deadhang pullups, bulgarian dips. longer term - HSPU on rings, muscle-up, planche, bl, fl. my goals are likely to change over time, while remaining applicable to capoeira, dance, and parkour, and I do have other goals, but I'm reaching those through floreio work and handbalancing.

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