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Training/eating paleo for 2 months, no changes!


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I started using the paleo diet about 2 months ago. I look the same as I did after the first week. After 1 week I lost what seemed to be fat (although was probably water weight) because my stomach began to look tighter. Now, weeks later I look exactly the same, with little to no increase in muscle mass.

I'm distraught because I have been eating nothing but lean meats, veggies, good fats, and minimal fruits, basically punishing myself for months and to no benefit. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it if I look exactly the same?

I was also on a bodyweight 5x5 program to help gain mass but that didn't work either. I eat around 2000 calories a day, the only exercise I get is my one hour a day (5x5 combined with gymnastic statics), but otherwise I am sedentary.

What's the deal? I'm 21 years old, 145 lbs, around 10% bf.

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(1) 2000 calories isn't enough to build mass. You'll need at least 2300 or more.

(2) You are doing 5x5 every day?

(3) Has your weight changed in last 2 months? How do you know you have 10%bf? Do you have visible abs without tightening your stomach?

(4) Since you are low body fat, you can't expect to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. It's possible, but it isn't going to happen by fly by the seat of your pants paleo. It's much simpler to chose one goal at a time. Either lose fat and retain as much muscle as possible, or gain muscle and gain as little fat as possible (the better option in your situation). The more fat you are willing to gain, the faster you can gain muscle.

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I am doing 5x5 as required for my body to recover. I can't lift weights at the moment due to injury, so the squat and deadlift options are out.

I opted to do a bodyweight 5x5 program with pullups, dips, inverted curls, hspu, ab rollouts.

I do pullups/hspu monday, ab rollouts tuesday, dips/inverted curls wednesday, thursday rest, Friday repeat cycle (begin. monday).

I do statics on all three days as well (planche, fl, bl, and l-sit for 10 sets 6 seconds).

My abs are somewhat visible without tightening my stomach. I can see a faint outline. Of course lighting plays a big part. This could also be because of working the abs my muscles might have also grown.

Tightening I can really see them. Perhaps I'm not as low as I think I am, as I'm sure those calipers are wrong.

still weighing at 145 lbs. 5'8 21 years old. male.

I seem to be a little bigger, with a little more definition in my arms. I can't tell if this is muscle increase or fat loss.

Seeing as how I'm out for surgery for another 6 weeks, should I be trying to gain mass slowly still, or just go all out, eat, put on weight for 6 weeks, and then do massive cardio when I am able to run?

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If you have a slight outline of abs without tightening, then 10% is pretty accurate.

You don't need to do cardio to lose fat. Especially for a small guy like yourself. After you build muscle, if you need to lose fat I would just eat less and scale back your training. Since you will be in caloric deficit, it isn't the time to try to get stronger.

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What's the deal?

Hey GetFit01,

Firstly, 5x5 isn't the most skillful way to "bulk up." It's a great way for that wiry climber strength, though.

Second, at 2K calories, you're putting in the fuel for a 133 pound body.

Thirdly, you get bigger/stronger/faster/blah when you're NOT working out, so you need to sleep, rest and recover (meaning NOT work out) accordingly.

Finally, if you feel like you're punishing yourself eating lean meat, fruits, veggies, nuts, et al, pick an ideology that works better, that is sustainable, manageable, that helps you perform, feel and even look better, and stick to that.



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Hey GetFit01,

Do yourself a favor, and go out and buy the book called "The Primal Blueprint." It's a similar concept to the Paleo Diet, but pretty much with more fats (which are healthy for you). However, it's not just about diet, but how to change your entire lifestyle. I've tried for years and years to develop an exercise program, eat right, bulk up, etc. etc. But it's never worked for me, and I could never figure out why.

It's because we aren't meant to have strict regimens. Many people here would probably disagree with that, but it's true. We aren't meant to have to count our calories. Eating less and exercising more does not help you lose fat in the long run. You don't have to work out for hours and hours each week to get in great shape. And it IS possible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. I read this book about 3 weeks ago, and it has changed my life. I feel healthier and better than I have felt in years. My body fat is down to 6%, and I was already pretty lean to begin with. I've been putting on lean weight and making strength gains as well. I don't have a strict regimen. Instead, I have a set of movements that I am working on, and while I try to work on them on certain days, I listen to my body and don't do more than I can handle.

Go out and buy this book. It will explain everything much better and in more detail than I have. The author also writes a very popular blog called Mark's Daily Apple. An excellent resource that I check daily. I would recommend you take a look at that as well.

Hope this helps,


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GetFit. It sounds like you are doing a low volume workout program coupled with eating just enough to live and train. You did state there may be more definition in your upper body which makes sense.

Try for a 300-500 caloric positive intake. You are probably borderline +/- a bit.

Can you do lowerbody work at all? It sounds like you have a lower body surgery coming up.

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Joshua Naterman

Nowhere near enough rest or food. We're all basically saying the same thing, so hopefully you'll pay attention! :P

Eat more good food, and take a rest day in between your workouts. You'll find you perform better and get bigger.

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