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Remedial Squat suggestions?


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Almost 3 years ago I read Kelly Starrett's Becoming a Supple Leopard and realized I can't squat properly!

Since then, I've been working it at it with some diligence and some progress. . . but not very much.

I've consulted a personal trainer who gave me some exercises that have helped, somewhat. (He says "you are just real tight there, be patient, keep working it.")

I'm at the point where, after warming up, I can do almost a full squat with feet a little more than shoulder with apart, but my chest isn't completely up at the bottom. Cold, really can't do it hardly at all.

I suspect the answer is more patience and diligence, but after three years with modest progress, I'm looking for suggestions!

(Little background, 47 years old, with a sedentary job, 6'1", 180, always worked out somewhat, not always smartly. Lots of miles of running on the odometer.)


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Alessandro Mainente

If you want to completely open your chest you need to move your knees forward (and you can easily see thin from every single olympic lifters) in order to make the com more stable. if you want to move the knees forward the weak link is the calves both soleus and gastrocnemius in the posterior part and tibialis in the front. exercises that address those parts are included into front split course.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Patrick Rentz

Paul, I share your story almost exactly, and for about 2 years now I thought it was just tightness in the hips/hamstrings. While I was/am tight there, I realized that the other culprit is the achilles, ankle mobility, and calves - exactly as said above. Once I realized that, and started doing the Front Split series, I have made noticeable progress in only a month (I'm not there yet, and I believe one will also need decent thoracic mobility to be completely upright in a deep squat).

The stretch series are worth it. I also make sure to include ankle/calf stuff in my daily 10-15 minute routine in the morning. Seems to be working well so far.

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Mark Anderson


I'll second Patrick's recommendation of the Front Split series.  A couple of other things that have helped me:

1. Goblet squats with a kettlebell or dumbbell.

2. Holding on to a vertical support to be able to sit in a full squat position with tall chest.

You may have already tried these. If not, give 'em a whirl.


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Mark, yes, I have tried those. That has helped, got me from totally not being able to squat to where I am now which is kind of able to squat!

Thanks for the time. 

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