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static training

Edward Smith

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coach sommer in building the olympic body for most of the progressions you say to work up to a 60 second holds. Well i was wondering do uthink it is beneficial to work up to 60 second holds on most static things? obviously there would be exceptions like crosses, maltese, victorian other high strength skills, i mean of course it would be beneficial to get 60 second holds on those it would probably be time better spent on something else. But anyway like i said do u think you should work up to 60 second holds on most things?

this is off topic but i was wondering coach what strength levels your at, please don't take this the wrong way at all I wouldn't care if you can't curl 5 pounds i still think your articles are great.

also I've always wondered (ever since i read building the olympic body) what happened to JJ Gregory?


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The 60 second total aggregate is usually only applied to introductory static strength positions. For higher level static holds, iron crosses etc, I would generally recommend aiming for a long term goal of 5-10 second static holds.

As for me personally, I will detail some of my relatively meager strength accomplishments in a new article forthcoming on Dragondoor shortly. I will say that chaining myself to a computer for several years writing these books is the worst thing that has ever happened to my level of personal conditioning. Fortunately my athletes are far far stronger than I am. 8)

I have not spoken with JJ in some years, however at that time he was attempting to pursue a career in entertainment.

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coach sommer I remember in your article saying that you prefer to place the static holds at the end of your conditioning, is there a reason for this or just personal preference?

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