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strength loss during diet


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I made big improvement concerning strength in the last weeks. Unfortunately, I now have gastritis which I get every now and then. This time it is a little bit more severe, because I drank some alcohol last weekend, which I normally never do. The doctor prescribed that I shouldn't eat anything for the next 3 days, so that my stomach can calm down, which always helps me a lot. Liquid things like tea and also low fat curd cheese mixed with light yoghurt is fine if it's not too cold.
After that I should have a light diet for the next 2 weeks. So just chicken, rice, potatoes; nothing too greasy or heavy, and just very small meals.

I am scared I will loose my strength now! I will make sure that I eat at least 60gr of protein a day. And in the two weeks I will try to eat about 1300kcal. I also take 4 fishoil capules a day and take iron pills, because I have a small lack of iron.

Then I will slowly add some more snacks like nuts, oatmeal  and stuff like that, so I have my normal 2000kcal diet back in about 3 weeks.

Will I loose a lot of strength? This week I won't do a lot of sports, but I want to start next week again. How bad is it, if I just eat 1300kcal, but burn about 2000kcal when it comes to strength? I don't mind if I would loose 6 pounds, because I gained some pounds over the last weeks anyways. But I want to loose fat and not muscles/strength. 

And one more question: How much protein, carbs and fat should you your intake be if per pound?
I weigh 120lbs and usually have 90g protein, 100gr carbs and 40gr fat.

Hope somebody can help me!

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Mikkel Ravn



Calm down, you're overthinking this way too much. Two weeks is nothing in the big picture. Life has its ups and downs, just go along for the ride, and don't freak out. Just as you won't gain any real strength in just two weeks, neither will you lose any in that time period.

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It's enough protein. More than about .75g/pound (which is 90 for you) hasn't been shown to make a difference in terms of development. Theoretically there may be room for more but it's just not verifiable that it's doing any good, beyond mentally and a sense of fullness.


If you get that you won't lose significent lean muscle during a diet as well. If you lose strength it will be mostly from the lack of practice, which will come back quickly.


Your carbs are low. Right now it may not matter with your activity minimal, but you could easily eat 200-300g, certainly on workout days.

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