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Asymmetrical Handstand!

Robert Simcox

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Robert Simcox

Being pretty happy with my alignment from a lateral view, I decided to film myself from straight-on behind me and noticed a few things. 


My left shoulder/arm isn't as elevated as my right

My left elbow isn't quite as straight as my right

Both thumbs lift off the ground at a couple points near the end


Does anyone notice anything I'm missing, or have any suggestions on how to improve my left side? Is this something I should be pretty adamant about fixing, or will it improve as I continue doing handstand work?


Thank you in advance for any help!



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Zach, just a quick question for the sake of clarification.


"Pressing down." Are you referring to "Scapular elevation while doing handstand?"

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Timothy Aiken

Scoliosis? Web MD said this is a symptom of a degenerative nerve condition. I dunno man, seems legit to me.


No but seriously, scapular elevation is  probably your issue. Make sure all your exercises are symmetrical, and this will iron itself out. Example: Make sure your ABH doesn't pull to one side, same with hollow body. 


Side note: Judging from your profile picture, are you by chance a tricker?

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Robert Simcox

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Zach yeah I will definitely make it a point to put more emphasis on elevation, especially in my left side. I've noticed the pulses before too, it seems like I only do it after I start to get tired, as this was about half an hour into my handstand session. I have to engage the triceps quite a bit as my elbows just barely extend to a full 180 degrees.


I'm definitely sure it's not scoliosis, they test you for that in middle and high school where I live and I always had a straight back.


Aiken54 good point, I will have to film myself doing hollow holds and abh to see if I pull to one side slightly. Yeah I was really into tricking about a year ago, now it's just in maintenance mode as I'm spending most of my time on climbing, handstands, and aerial silks/corde lisse.


Jon my planche work is just once a week right now, why do you ask? Would more planche work help sort out some of the imbalances?

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Jon my planche work is just once a week right now, why do you ask? Would more planche work help sort out some of the imbalances?

I had/have a similar problem with my handstand, and it carried over to a lack of activation in my planche work on one side. Lats and traps on that side just not getting in the game; not quite the same elevation on that side in HS either. If this is the same for you, then at least I can say mine is fixing, so be patient and diligent~

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Mikael Kristiansen

No major mistake and its pretty normal. Focus on elevation should fix that problem over time as long as your mobility on both sides is decent. Get your trapezius active in your handstand. Its one of the main muscles that need to be working to get proper form.

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Robert Simcox

Handbalancer I've been making sure to really stress elevation, does it look like I'm not activating my trapezius enough in the video? At this point in my handstand training should I be elevating my scapulae as hard as I can?

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Mikael Kristiansen

I meant more as to that is what you should focus on to achieve better symmetry. It looks like you are doing it in the video so in time you should be okay. You dont need to over strain but there should be a solid push from the traps.

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