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how to get more protein


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i have read that u need 1 gram of protein per body pound every day so that means that i need about 150 grams of protein per day. but how can i eat 150 gram of protein.1 egg=5gram of protein its just to much for me

should i start taking protein powder like bodybuilders do? and does a gymnast really needs that much protein per day?  

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First of all, there is protein in EVERYTHING and it adds up. You can easily reach that amount of protein without resorting to protein powders or even eating meat! eggs have closer to 7 grams, whole grains, like bread and oatmeal usually have 5g protein per serving, and people like us "physically active" folk tend to eat more than one serving at a time. dairy products are very protein rich. And green veggies are a major source as well. some, like spinach, are basically pure protein. Having complete protein is important too, but few foods have complete protein that you should eat solely (100% protein requirements met by eggs? nooonoono) make sure your intake is varied. 


Be careful where you get your info from. there are a million sources and a million different answers. Dont even believe what im about to say blindly. I will tell you that I am getting this information from the NCSF (national council on strength and fitness).


Protein intake requirements - Grams per KILOGRAM Bodyweight

Sedentary individual: 0.8 - 0.9

Physically Active: 1 - 1.2

Endurance Athlete: 1.3 - 1.5

Bodybuilding/Strength Training: 1.6-2.0

Children: up to 2


As you can see, protein requirements are dependant on what you are doing. Since we are doing strength training, go for 1.6 - 2 grams per Kilogram bodyweight. for you, 2g/kg is around 136g. why not more? more is better right? more than 2g causes increased stress on the liver and forces the body to do more work dealing with the excess. basically, your body can only handle 2g/kg. Anything more is a waste of your bodies precious resources, time, and money.


EDIT: 1lb per pound of LEAN bodyweight may be more reasonable and easy to remember if you dont think in metric and you know your BF%. If that is what you meant, then the first paragraph still applies.

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Connor Davies

1g per pound of TARGET bodyweight is a little better.


Protein is easy to come by.  Hell, a decent steak (by my standards) will pretty much contain your daily protein.


Edit: just make sure you're eating protein at every meal. 

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ye but its a bit hard for me to eat that much.only if i start eating foods like fish,meat.alot of eggs but i get aroung 70-80gram of protein per day and sometimes around 40-50. a friend told me that i should start drinking milk instead of water because milk=protein,,fats,laktoze

and that would help me get more protein per day. also i have read that the more fats that we eat= higher testosterone levels.is there any way that i can get more protein in my diet? and do i really need that much protein? because in gy,nastic we are training more about strength and strength comes from nervor system i think that only bodybuilders who wanna get big should get that much protein


plz tell me what u think.ur answers are really helpfull :)

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and also im 1.82m tall i weight 75kg im 15years old and my bodyfat% is around 11-12%. im really strong and my muscles have a nice definition but i dont have that much muscle mass

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Connor Davies

You still need the protein, after all you want your muscles to get bigger.  Eat like a bodybuilder.


Milk is high in estrogen, which is bad apparently.  I think drinking a lot of milk is a good idea because calcium is the fuel your nervous system uses for muscle contraction.


Problem with drinking milk is, you need about a litre to get 30g of protein, so you need to drink quite a bit of it.

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Jean-Rene Losier

dude, there's protein in everything, Just make sure you get SOME in every meal you eat. I eat 5-6 meals a day and make sure I get plenty of protein. Here's my meal plan I'm eating right now to give you an idea:


Breakfast: All bran cereal ( about 1/2 cup ) w/ 3.25% milk, then I make a "pizza omelette" with 8 egg whites ( 1 whole container ) 1/4 cup of tomato sauce, and around 1/3 cup of mozarella. And some thyme, oregano and basil thrown on there.


Snack: 1/2 of a 500ml container of greek yogurt


Lunch: bowl of Quinoa with chicken, salsa and onion.


Snack 2: 3 slices of whole wheat bread with around 1 TBSP of peanut butter on each, and a banana


Diner: 1 cup of rice, chicken, and 1 cup of green peas


Snack 3: Another bowl of all bran cereal with Almond Milk.


In all of those, I get around 20 grams of protein for sure ( mostly more than 20g...). It takes time to learn what to eat properly, just dig up some sites online and start learning! Oh, and don't substitute water for milk...drink a shit load of water my friend, your body needs it. I don't drink anything BUT water. I just take milk for my cereal.

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Bill Köhntopp

short question to that. could not find an answer so far...what is the ratio to aspire between fat, protein and carbs in %?for getting more (lean) mass

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Connor Davies

short question to that. could not find an answer so far...what is the ratio to aspire between fat, protein and carbs in %?for getting more (lean) mass

Shoot for at least 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight.  Fat should be in the range 0.35 - 0.45 grams of fat per lb of bodyweight.  Use the rest of your calories for carbs.


Got that info of the IIFYM calculator.  It works well if you monitor calories, but is pretty useless otherwise.

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Matthew Proulx

I strongly suggest adding nuts and avocados to your diet, forget milk(except cereal). And honestly... more people should eat wild meat. Of the thousands of articles I've read on nutrition and diet over the last year since I have become obsessed with it, I have yet to see anyone an advocate of wild meat, I myself have grown up around the beef industry and have administered plenty of hormones and chemicals to cattle. Its sickening, I don't often eat beef.

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Bill Köhntopp

Shoot for at least 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight.  Fat should be in the range 0.35 - 0.45 grams of fat per lb of bodyweight.  Use the rest of your calories for carbs.


Got that info of the IIFYM calculator.  It works well if you monitor calories, but is pretty useless otherwise.

Ok, so for me it is 152 g protein and around 70 g fat. The last 6 weeks i was near to that with 140g protein, but most of the time more fat, like around 100. Since i stopped eating sweets and so on, just for breakfast sometimes, my carbs went down, but my fat intake increased.

Sometimes i fail to get the full protein, but i mostly fail to get so much carbs. But i think i'm so lean, i can eat what i want to get to my calories.

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