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handstand practice sessions

Chris H Laing

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Chris H Laing

I have decided to take on some hardcore hand balancing training, focusing mostly on the handstand, in addition to my regular BTGB based program, and am wondering how best to proceed.

Would it be better to have one long, lets say 60 min, handstand practice session once a week, or would it be better to spend 15 min 4 times a week working on HS?

The plan as of right now (probably will change once I get some different opinions) is to do 15 min once a week for a couple weeks, then bump it up to 30 min, then add another 15 minute session elsewhere in the week, then bump that up to 30 min, and so on.

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Chris H Laing

Thanks Blairbob. Thats exactly what I needed to know. Ill work up to at least 15 minutes, 6 days a week, and then see where to progress from there.

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