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George Launchbury


I notice in the large version of your photo that it appears the knuckles at the base of your fingers are not in contact (or at least hard contact) with the ground!? I wondered, if that is the case, what advantages this might have? I mainly ask as I was under the impression that this part of the hand should support the weight most, with the fingertips and heel of the hand for adjusting balance??

Many thanks,


P.s. Hope you have/are having/had a great trip ...depending on when you get this! :)

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Very interesting blog entry. I enjoyed that.

I am really interested in this idea of how a handbalancer performs a hanstand. I, myself make a concious effort to really engage and extend the shoulders, squeeze my butt, keep my head in, hollow the chest and suck my stomach in and this seems to achieve a fairly straight handstand for me but as you say in your blog, an equilibre practicioner uses far less tension. I'm amazed at how they do this and have a straight body line. If i lose tension, specifically in the glutes mainly, my straight-ish line is no longer.

Hope you have a good time training in France.

Regards, Rob.

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Chris H Laing


Great blog!

How long did it take you to build up to that level of HS strength and control? Also, if you can provide any insight on good ways to train handstands, it would be greatly appreciated, because I have been interested in hand balancing for a while, but have not made much progress towards a freestanding handstand, although I can hold one against a wall forever.

Also, keep the blog posts coming! You've kept us waiting for like 3 months from your last post to this one post. Thats way to long without some insight from Ido.

And have fun with Claude Victoria. I was checking out some of Yuval's videos on youtube (i googled "hand balancing claude victoria" and his video was the first to come up) and the things he can do are amazing, and itll be really interesting to see the things you can do after a while training with him.

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Either late May or early June, Ido will be offering a one day Equilibre Camp here in the USA. Additional details will be forthcoming at a later date.

Yours in Fitness,

Coach Sommer

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