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Press Handstand

Pasha Muravyev

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Pasha Muravyev

Finally managed to do one and catch it on video. Things I need to work on (that I know): 1) more compression during the press, 2) keep toes pointed throughout, and 3) get more strength / do it slower. Right now I kind of "swing" during the first part rather than press.


I'm so happy that I at least have made it up to handstand. I've had the standing press on floor for a few months now, but this is my first time pressing from an L.




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Alessandro Mainente

you are using a little bit of momentum, and really it can help!

try to take off the momentum starting from a solid 4-5 seconds L-sit and see how it is.

for the rest you have good opened shoulders and during the press the shoulders are not to much forward compared to the hands.

continue to work over straddle compression so that the elevation of the legs is retarded until the hips are over the shoulders.

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Mikael Kristiansen

That is actually pretty good! One of the better form presses I have seen on here. I can see that its new, but the way you are doing it now is exactly right. There is a bit of lean going on as your hips get stacked on top of your shoulders, but not to the degree that you planche it or stick your butt out to finish the press. Back is rounded all through the motion which is one of THE most important things to get good form. Your handstand is also pretty decent though you can bring the feet a little more in so the legs are directly above you together with bringing the chest a little more in. The way to do this is throught protracting your shoulders and pushing from your trapezius/scapula. You are already doing this but you could be even tighter. Think the same type of shoulder position as in your press.


Best way for you to work now is doing singles. Build up to the level where you can easily do 5-10 singles per session and then try to get a couple of reps. Also work on your active and passive flexibility so you can eventually do it with a full pike all the way up. However, keep the straddling for now. I think if you would pike this one you would have to resort to more lean and sticking your butt out to get up which undermines your good technique. Good work

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