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Left side more muscular than right bodyside

Philipp Zimmermann

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Philipp Zimmermann

Hey =)

Maybe someone experienced  the same already.

My left bodyside is more muscular then my right side. 

It would be nice if someone could tell me if this could lead to problems.

And if yes maybe reveal some treatments.

Thanks you =)




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Jason Dupree

Yes, i have experienced this to a large degree from bass drumming. If it gets too bad it will cause you a lot of pain, especially if the muscles are near your spine. It can also affect performance - lopsided skills.


If you train focusing on proper form, it will fix itself if it isn't bad enough. form is important though, because if you let the stronger side take over it will just get worse. unilateral training works great too

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I used to play racquet sports and my dominate arm is one inch bigger than the other, then I stopped playing and worked on pushups and rows on the rings, gradually both arms are the same size now. 

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 Muscle imbalances yes. Just watch for it.


 For example, split jerking on my right leg tends to my make my right hip more tight which means I have to do more mobility on it and my lower right back tends to get wonky at times. My right shoulder now sits a bit lower than my left due to a partial seperation a few years ago. Thus little issues pop up with my right shoulder more often. Heck even the way it sits in comparison to my left is noticeable when I extend my arms above my head and the ROM besides bridges.


 The same thing tends to happen with tumblers. Dominance on one side of the body, generally lower leg.

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