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Do carbs high in GI suppress Human growth hormone ?

Deins Drengers

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Deins Drengers

I wanted to understand nutrition and how it works with the body's growth. 


I came across this statement - If you consume a high carb post workout drink then it will hinder or stop your HGH ( Human Growth Hormone ) for the time. It all has to do with the high insulin level that doesnt allow the HGH to work properly.


In the other hand If i want to use whey protein and creatine as post workout drink then i need some carbs that are rather hihg in GI for faster absorption - am i right ?  ( I havent yet tried it so i dont have any personal experience with protein and creatine supplementation)


It seems like this is a double edge sword.

This information got me sad because now i don't know what to believe.  


Why is the information so different ?


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Jason Dupree

Pretty much every hormone in the body that has to do with fat or muscle, and many other things, are a double edged sword. This serves a very good purpose, though it is very confusing, and extremely frustrating at times. Insulin for example, can be used to stimulate the storage of sugars as either fat or glycogen. Too much sugars (and therefore too much insulin) at one time will cause fat storage. Unless it is just after a workout, where you body is depleted. This is a time where increase carbs can be very beneficial.


I have to admit, i need to brush off the dust from my physiology textbook, so I am not sure i can scientifically aswer your question, hopefully someone else can. I will tell you that I have found that personally, high carbs after a workout is a must, not only for muscle growth and fat loss, but also for feeling good. I eat most of my carbs for the day post workout. Growth hormone or not, I am growing. Unless you plan to study physiology, don't worry about hormones so much, listen to your body and watch the results you get from what you put in to your body. I would also urge you, if you have the money, to use real food instead of supplements that may or may not work. your body will thank you. That is only your choice though

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Karim Rahemtulla

Yes they will suppress GH, but unless you're at 7%bf and struggling to get lower and have covered all the other bases, I wouldn't worry about it.  Keep the PWO carbs, if you're lean, they'll give much more of an advantage than disadvantage.  I prefer to keep away from carbs right before bed as that is the time GH really works its magic, and subsequently, I sleep better with more fats and less carbs at that time.  See what works for you and as mentioned already, don't worry about it too much.

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Nic Branson

Whey stimulates insulin all by itself. Insulin trumps GH. Insulin is extremely anabolic anyway.

You're over thinking...

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