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  1. Eric Reyes

    getting started properly

    been always active with martial arts then bodybuilding then kettlebell...now I'm earnestly diving in gymnastics, via GymFit of course, as I came to realize the benefits especially at my age (45yrs old, 5'5", 74kgs @ approximately 12% BF)... my question is, should I discard bodybuilding/kettlebell altogether? or could i still do them? currently doing the Intermediate 1 in Guided Plans.... I'd like to progress in my gymnastics training as much as I can but it would also be nice, if possible, to retain the muscle I gained from lifting... Thanks in advance for any input
  2. I want to transition from bodybuilding to gymnastics both for aestethics and functional reason. Problem is at the moment i'm heavy(200lb at 5.11) and extremely stiff. As far as bodyweigth goes can do 12 pull/chin ups, dips and 20s hanging l sits other stats are of limited use i believe. This is because of my weight and because on joint problems if i try to do more advanced stuff. As i understand it the problem is that my strength is limited to the big superficial muscles while all the stabilizers and tendons/joints are weak. Beacause of the way that gymnastic use the weigth of the body to train muscles (and more than muscles tendons and joints) i'm planning to lose a lot of mass(permanently) and meanwhile focus on strengthning the stabilizers using dynamic exercises with free weigths. I'd like to know some specific exercises that i can use to build a "transition" program in these months of diet. It would also be nice to get some ideas on how to organize these exercises so that they would better mimic a "typical" gymnastic traning.
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