Wrist Wall Handstand
The Wrist Wall Handstand is more advanced than it looks, in that an athlete must be able to hold their bodyweight directly above palms. This alignment demands open shoulders and sufficient upper trap strength.
- Type Of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Equipment: Body Only
Wrist Wall Handstand

- Begin in a straight arm plank with your feet at the base of a wall.
- Keep a straight body and walk your feet up the wall until your hands are within 1 to 3 inches of it.
- Maintain a straight body line, with posterior pelvic tilt (PPT), 180-degree shoulder flexion, and complete scapular elevation (shoulder shrug) throughout the static hold.
- For this wall handstand progression, focus on maintaining a straight body line; when this close to the wall, your hips should not be touching it if your pelvis is properly tilted.
- Hold for time, ultimately building to sets of 60 seconds.

- Exercise: Handstand Wall Run
- Type of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Equipment: Body Only

- Exercise: Forearm Supported Handstand
- Type of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Equipment: Other