Fix Chronically Tight Shoulders with the Cat Stretch

tight shoulders

Cats are known to be one of the most agile animals on their feet. It’s no surprise that they would have an exercise named after them that opens tight shoulders. The cat stretch is one of the best weapons to combat a tight chest and upper back, making it a great exercise option to add

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Get Stronger Hips with Active Mobility Training

stronger hips

If you want stronger hips, you're going to want to learn about active mobility. Our hips are powerhouses, helping us through virtually every lower body movement and providing stability for us in upper body exercises as well. With so much power, comes responsibility, as in you have to take care of them! Our daily sitting

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Resistance Bands to Mobilize and Release Tight Shoulders

resistance bands tight shoulders

Most of us carry the weight of the world on one body part. If you guessed shoulders, congratulations, you’re a human being! Our shoulders can fall victim to a lot of tension and stiffness, whether it be from carrying stress or carrying a toddler. All of us can work to improve our range of motion

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A Powerful Full Body Stretch in One Move

full body stretch

Have you been searching for a multipurpose, full body stretch you can easily add into your routine? One that works to stretch and lengthen the tendons, muscles, and ligaments from your heels to your thoracic spine? We’ve got a secret tip: no matter what type of workout you engage in, there is one easy-to-execute stretch

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2 Drills To Test and Improve Spinal Mobility

spinal mobility

When it comes to strength training, we tend to break our workouts down into body parts. Today may be arm day. Maybe some core work tomorrow. But are you implementing spinal mobility work into your routine? You’ve probably been around long enough to know what lower back pain feels like or how debilitating upper back

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3 Wrist Prep Drills that will Make Injuries a Thing of the Past

wrist prep

The human body contains approximately 206 bones spanning from head to toe. What’s even more impressive is that over 50 of those bones are found in your hands and wrists. This bone-dense region allows you to move your hands through a myriad of different positions. Sadly, most adults forget that their hands possess this extraordinary

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Hips 101: Loosen Quads BEFORE Stretching Hip Flexors

GymnasticBodies athlete demonstrates a standing hip flexor stretch.

Stretching out tight hip flexors gets PLENTY of hype, but don’t be fooled! A critical step is most likely being skipped before the proper treatment of your hip flexors is addressed. We’re going to give you the openers you seek, but not before we prime your hips to absorb all the love you’re trying to

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Desk Stretches—Reverse the Symptoms of Adulting in 3 Minutes

desk stretches

Your body, no doubt, has the amazing ability to adapt to changes in its environment. People who live in warmer climates tend to have a slightly lower core body temperature, on average, than people who live in colder climates. Unfortunately, your body doesn’t only adapt in a good way, it can also adapt in some

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Limber Up! A Short How-to Guide for Daily Stretching

daily stretch

How can just a few minutes of daily stretching affect your health, posture, and performance? Is it really as simple as a few minutes here, a few there? With a little bit of direction and commitment, you can be well on your way to this one seriously healthy habit and incredible mobility as a result.

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3 Relaxing Stretches to Decompress and Release Tension

relaxing stretches

We all have those days that seem ruined the minute we hit snooze (for the third time). One thing after another keeps building up until we are just ready to crawl under the covers with some Netflix and wine to hide until the weekend! On days like this, the last thing we want to do

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