Upgraded Core Workouts for Crazy 6-Pack Abs

GymnasticBodies female athlete demonstrates how to build your 6-pack abs with the hollow body hold.

Great news, core training no longer requires endless repetitions of crunches and sit-ups. GymnasticBodies is here to redefine core training with the best and most effective ab exercises. So, what is the core, and more importantly how do we train it? It’s easiest to think of the core as a group of centralized muscles that flex,

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Pull-ups and Beyond: Roadmap to Pulling Strength

GymnasticBodies athlete demonstrates how to do an L-sit Pull-up.

Pull-ups are the holy grail of back exercises and your ultimate training tool for achieving incredible gains in raw pulling strength. An essential stepping stone towards attaining bodyweight mastery, this simple yet effective exercise will give you a well-developed back that is sought after by many fitness enthusiasts and recreational exercisers alike. The beauty of

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Unleash Your Inner Ninja and RUN!

Unleash Your Inner Ninja and RUN! 1

Not only is running a welcome escape from many of the distractions of modern-day living, it's also exhilarating. Unless, of course, you are dealing with tight hips, ankles, feet or a plethora of other limitations. The good news is that no matter where your current flexibility lies, you too can achieve increased mobility and better

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How to Win With Your Plank

GymnasticBodies female athlete demonstrates a basic shoulder strengthening exercise.

Sure, planks build incredible abs and chiseled shoulders, but here at GymnasticBodies, we’re going to make sure you have fun with them too! This is how you can enjoy a variety of the most effective plank variations to keep your workouts fresh and fun while reaping their ab and upper body benefits! Plank With Purpose Simply

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Bridge Your Way to Better Posture

Bridge Your Way to Better Posture 2

The Thoracic Bridge is one of the best exercises used to maintain the strength, durability, and health of your spine. We'll show you how to bulletproof your mobility with progressions that fit easily into your weekly routine. Performed with proper form this exercise yields amazing results in not only your athletic performance but also your postural

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Mobility in the Weight Room: How to Lift Heavier and Stay Injury Free

GB Athlete Performs Weighted Mobility from The Foundation Series to Prevent Injury and Build Strength

Mobility training for weightlifting is the secret weapon that will protect you from injury, make your body feel great, and even help you bust through that plateau! Incorporating mobility exercises from the GB training into your weight training program is an easy and effective way to significantly reduce your injury risk, while simultaneously increasing your strength.

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Here’s a Quick Way to Test Shoulder Flexibility

GymnasticBodies athlete demonstrates how to check your shoulder flexion.

In the world of fitness and athletics, having the ability to move your shoulders through full range of motion is essential in gaining superior strength in your upper body, as well as maintaining sustainable long-term health. Look at the upper body of most high-level athletes and what do you see? Strong, robust, but flexible shoulders

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Now You Can Have Superior Core Strength (and Active Flexibility) With One Exercise

GymnasticBodies female athlete demonstrates core strength in a hanging Straddle-up.

Looking for a more effective way to get your desired strength and mobility? These 3 tips will help you to improve your workout routine using Hanging Leg Lifts. You will not only increase your core strength and develop healthier shoulders, but you’ll also become more flexible! Everyone recognizes hanging leg lifts as one of the

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How Gymnastic Strength Training Improves Lower Back Flexibility

GB Athlete demonstrating a heavy Jefferson Curl with great form

Gymnastic Strength Training contains a unique blend of exercises that will not only help you build world-class levels of strength but also the flexibility of a gymnast, which most adults lack. One of the most common areas of tightness for many of us is the lower back. This is often a result of lifting heavy

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Gymnastic Strength Training Rebuilt My Knees Here's How:

Gymnastic Strength Training Rebuilt My Knees Here's How: 3

As you can tell from the title, I am one of the thousands of success stories that Gymnastic Strength Training has helped to produce over the years. I am a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and former competitor, but after suffering my third major knee injury I was forced to take a break from training. In my

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