$24.99 OFF Fundamentals
(SAVE $24.99) $99.99
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Learn your body

Easy lessons in GSTTM. The Fundamentals 4 week online course will make sure you start out on the right track in your GSTTM journey with either a diagnostic or education lesson each day building into a final daily limber routine. Fundamentals can be done at home without any equipment. All ages are welcome, zero workout knowledge required.

  • straight to the point

    Build strength and mobility where it counts without the aimless wandering.
  • Explore your potential

    Diagnostic exercises to help you to become better in ALL the activities you love.
  • Proven exercises

    We’ll help you to find areas in your body where you are tight and need improvement.
  • You’re not alone

    Our online GST coaches will be right by your side each step of the way if you have ANY questions.
(SAVE $24.99) $99.99
Order fundamentals Use code: Fundamentals25off

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14-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Simple and honest. If a GymnasticBodies course is not for you and you have not previously received a refund, we will return your money.

(SAVE $24.99) $99.99
Order fundamentals Use code: Fundamentals25off