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Grocery List/plan

Samuel Carr

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I was browsing the internet for some grocery list/meal plans just to get a few ideas and variations of the basic chicken/meat and vegetables I've been eating everyday for awhile. I'm interested in the specific plans because I'm at school/work all day and so I need to plan out my meals pretty far in advance and then pack it all before hand, and I was looking for some structure that would make this easier to do.

I came across this plan http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/the-100-dollar-diet-healthy-grocery-list.html and I'm thinking I'll try it for a couple weeks and see how this more structured approach goes. It seems pretty straightforward and easy, and it'd make sure to give me enough food for the day (although only 4 pounds of chicken per week is way less than the typical 10 lbs I've been getting...). Normally I wouldn't eat the oats or peanut butter but I'm not worried about it because I have a super fast metabolism and am looking to slow it down so I can gain weight anyways. I'd also exchange the breakfasts for the Poliquin meat/nut breakfast and get some variations for the eggs so that I'm not eating 6 everyday. What do you guys think?

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