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Where have you noticed improvements? (Due to Foundation Training)

Scott Pelton-Stroud

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Scott Pelton-Stroud

Hey GB!


So recently I did some max testing on Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift to get a gauge of my strength in "common measurements". I wanted to set a bar and see if my foundation training is pushing it. I had never tested Bench or Squat before, but my Deadlift was about the same as it was 9-10 months ago. It makes sense that it hasn't increased since I am on mostly the early elements of F1, which are more endurance-focused. Since I'll be at these elements for a while, I probably won't see huge gains in my 1RM Squat, Bench, or Dead for a little while, but I'd like to get a sense of how my general fitness is improving outside of my progression through Foundation.


I don't have a sport or consistent physical activity outside my F/H training, so I don't have a good gauge of how my fitness is changing (though I could compare myself to erg times from my rowing days). I've also never had any real mobility issues, so I do not have a comparison in that regard, either. The only thing I know for sure is that I am closer to a muscle-up than I used to be! 


So I'm curious... in what fitness measures have you guys noticed improvements due to your foundation training?


Thanks in advance for your replies!


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Christian Nogueira

I'm able to do movements I wasn't able to do before, like pullovers, naners and kip muscle ups on a bar. It's not impressive, but it's worth noting that, like you the past year I have mostly been on the endurance part of F1 and I wasn't able to do that stuff previously.



I think overall the biggest improvement is movement quality. It's probably a bit hard to measure now and it's a bit untangible, but I notice it in little things like my pullup form, my pushup form, stuff like now being able to easily clasp my hands behind my back (like in number 5 in http://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Shoulder-Stretches).I'm still in MN/PE2 but when it play with stuff like hanging leg raises mine are worlds apart from everyone else in the gym (no bending at the knees, toe point, actually going past 90 degrees without closing shoulder angle, slow and controlled). In a way, one of the biggest contributions of Foundation training for me is a much increased sensitivity to the details of moving.

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Murray Truelove

The biggest change for me has been in my mobility and the impact this has had on my quality of life.

I had a shoulder impingement that used to wake me up in the night and constantly ache.

My whole body is more mobile which is taking some getting used to, I find myself bending my knees when reaching for stuff low down as I never used to have the hamstring flexibility.

I started bouldering shortly after starting F1 and it's great now when I can do routes only using my arms so I've definitely got stronger.

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my sprints are faster because of stronger core

improved mobility, feeling lighter yet i know muscles are still strong, not just over streched

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Alexander Egebak

Better activation of individual muscles, better pike, straddle, chest and shoulder mobility, healthier shoulder, healthier lower back.

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Edoardo Roberto Cagnola

It may sounds unreal but Foundation work basically healed a few issue that I was living with before starting the program. I used to have a shoulder impingement and some sacroiliac joint problem, but after 5 and a half months I don't have any pain or discomfort whatsoever. I'm also gaining muscle while easily staying lean. I can't make comparisons to performance in others sports though because I also just do my foundation+ handstand work :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Daniel Reinert

I have a martial arts background (about 15 years), and GST has improved my balance and strength while fighting, especially at close range.

I find it much easier to move efficiently with my opponent. Also, it is now very difficult for my opponents to trap me, I feel much stronger at odd angles.

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