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Found 2 results

  1. JanTanja

    Cutting Weight

    Hey guys! What are some good ways gymnastic-y ways to lose a few (8) pounds? Particularly, what are some exercises that will help my gymnastics training AND lose weight? My nutrition is fairly decent, with lots of fiber and protein. I try to eliminate as much carbs as possible. My goals include re-learning all the basic movements (FL, BL, PL, HS, L-SIT). Should I focus on losing weight first, or should I move straight to working with gymnastic movements? (around 18% BF) I gained a bunch of weight due to a focus on weightlifting but I'd like to get my relative strength back that I had lost a couple of months ago. Thanks!
  2. Tristan Curtis

    Awesome Body Comp Change

    Hi guys! So back in April 2013, I came to this message board for help. I was really stuck with my body composition. I was a stocky 203lb / 92kg, very active, followed a meticulous eating plan... But, I was still at 30% bodyfat and frustrated that my weight didn't move anywhere. I want to thank you guys for helping me out. I got so much amazing advice - learning that I was seriously overestimating the calories I needed, and that despite eating lots of raw veggies my vitamin/mineral intake wasn't great. I particularly want to thank the Slizzard - Josh Naterman - for suggesting I do some study in nutrition. That is exactly what I did. I found a flexbook called Fundamentals in Human Nutrition, released by Kansas State University and went through it very eagerly. After ten years of jumping from one fad diet to another, it was sooo good to finally get a good, solid grounding! The one thing I took away from the study was simple, but very powerful: get your RDAs, and nothing more. I put together a simple meal-plan that gave me the macros, vitamins and minerals I needed in as few calories as possible. I tracked everything I was doing using a great, free online food tracker called Cronometer. I started in May, and immediately began losing two pounds per week! Yesterday, at 167lb / 75kg I decided to stop eating for fat loss and start eating for muscle growth. Goodbye fasted training, hello anabolic window! The visual changes are also very cool to see, this is back when I asked for help compared to today: Still learning to smile for photos... In a store buying smaller clothes, shocked to see strange corrugations on my stomach. Now, I am following Naterman's Perfect Workout Nutrition 2013 plan. This involves eating two-thirds of my calories in a four-hour anabolic window, and the rest of the day eating raw, mineral-dense vegetables, a bit of fruit, and some lean proteins (tempeh). It has been a life-changing eight months, and I'm excited to explore what the next eight months will bring! (I'm going for beast-like strength gains.) Thanks again guys!
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