Wide Grip L Pull-Up
The Wide Grip L Pull-Up is a pull-up variation that destabilizes the shoulders forcing the athlete to build advanced strength through the muscles surrounding the shoulders, while simultaneously putting load on the core for an added challenge to the athlete's endurance.
- Type Of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Lats, Biceps, Forearms, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Pull-up Bar
Wide Grip L Pull-Up

- Begin in a hanging L on a pull-up bar with approximately a double shoulder-width over grip (palms away).
- Keep a straight body and, without the use of any momentum, pull your chin over the bar at a minimum, keeping the L shape.
- Lower with control and repeat for reps, keeping your legs parallel to the floor, hips at 90-degrees, at all times.

- Exercise: Wide Grip Behind the Neck Pull-Up
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Lats, Biceps, Forearms
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Pull-up Bar

- Exercise: Pullover
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Lats, Biceps, Forearms
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Equipment: Pull-up Bar