Twisting Arch-Up
The Twisting Arch-Up builds posterior core strength through the lower back, the posterior oblique sling, and spinal muscles.
- Type Of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Equipment: Plyometric Box, Stall Bars, Back Strap
Twisting Arch-Up

- Lay prone over a support that allows your torso to hang freely when it is set at the crease of your hips.
- Begin with your torso hanging, hips bent to 90-degrees.
- Anchor your feet down (have someone or something hold them in place), interlock your fingers behind your head, and pull your elbows behind your ears.
- Feel your shoulder blades pinch together and your upper back muscles engage.
- Now twist your torso 90-degrees to the right and pull against your foot anchor to raise your torso as high as possible.
- Maintain the twist and arch your spine as you lift past parallel.
- Your right elbow should be facing the ceiling as you rise up.
- Pause at the top in your best twisted arch (right elbow facing behind you at full range of motion), lower back down with control, and alternate sides for reps.

- Exercise: Arch-Up
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Middle Back
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Equipment: Plyometric Box, Stall Bars, Back Strap, or Body Only

- Exercise: Circle Arch-Up
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Glutes, Hamstrings, Lower Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Beginner
- Equipment: Plyometric Box, Stall Bars, Back Strap