Free Handstand Double Leg Tuck
The Free Handstand Double Leg Tuck is a complex engagement handstand drill that challenges the strength of your handstand control. While you maintain a solid handstand, keeping shoulders stacked over the palms of your hands, you will engage your transverse abdominis, pulling one knee down to your chest before extending it up again. If this is too challenging, consider beginning first with the single leg tuck.
- Type Of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Body Only
Free Handstand Double Leg Tuck

- Begin in a free handstand with proper body alignment.
- Tuck both knees toward your chest until you have a 90-degree hip angle.
- Pause briefly before extending your legs back up.
- Ensure your feet remain stacked over your glutes as your knees bend and straighten.
- Repeat for reps.

- Exercise: Free Handstand Single Leg Tuck
- Type of Exercise: Skill
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Equipment: Body Only

- Exercise: Long Hollow
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Abdominals
- Difficulty: Moderate
- Equipment: Body Only