Closed Side Lever Pull
Closed Side Lever Pull is a human flag progression that strengthens the upper body as an athlete builds their core stability and shoulder movement.
- Type Of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Abdominals, Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Lats
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Equipment: Stall Bars
Closed Side Lever Pull

- Begin from an inverted side lever block with your left hand on bottom.
- Keeping a straight body with posterior pelvic tilt (PPT), straddle wide by pulling your right leg away from the bars.
- As you straddle, press away from the stall bars and begin to twist open 90-degrees to your right side.
- Straddle and lower as far as you can while keeping your left foot in contact with the bars and maintain straight elbows throughout.
- To stabilize your body and prevent drifting sideways, press strongly into your left hand (depress) and pull with your right (elevate).
- Now keep your position fixed, lower your left leg down to meet your right, and pause momentarily.
- Your legs should now be together and you body held just above parallel to the floor.
- Now pull back up to the inverted side lever block with your legs together and body held completely straight.
- Repeat for reps before switching sides.

- Exercise: Straddle Side Lever Pull
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Abdominals, Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Lats
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Equipment: Stall Bars

- Exercise: Negative Side Lever Pull
- Type of Exercise: Strength
- Muscles: Abdominals, Shoulders, Trapezius, Middle Back, Lats
- Difficulty: Advanced
- Equipment: Stall Bars