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Future course development

Christopher Guida

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Christopher Guida

I am curious as to whether additional courses are being planned or developed at this time. Courses of interest to me would include skills such as iron cross, maltese cross, victorian cross, reverse planche, single arm pulls, single arm handstand, press to handstand, handstand variations, and backbend kickover. I'm still making my way through the foundations courses, but it would be nice to know if there is more to look forward to down the road after I complete those courses.

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Alessandro Mainente
23 hours ago, Christopher Guida said:

I am curious as to whether additional courses are being planned or developed at this time. Courses of interest to me would include skills such as iron cross, maltese cross, victorian cross, reverse planche, single arm pulls, single arm handstand, press to handstand, handstand variations, and backbend kickover. I'm still making my way through the foundations courses, but it would be nice to know if there is more to look forward to down the road after I complete those courses.

Hi Christopher, some courses you have mentioned are already available like one arm handstand, press to handstand (handstand 2 and 3) while the beginning part of crosses and maltese work are introduced in the rings one.

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  • 1 month later...
Alessandro Mainente

Hi Christopher the back bend is introduced in the front lever course and thoracic bridge stretch course. the one arm chin-up is introduced with rope climbing and i can say that more than 1 of my students reached the one-arm pullup with rope climbing work. Backflip is extremely technical and i do think will never be covered.

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