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Sooooooooo movement courses?

Jean-Rene Losier

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Jean-Rene Losier

Just wondering if these were on the agenda to actually be coming out soon-ish. Last I read in march or february, they were coming out "soon", but that obviously wasn't quite correct.


So just wanted to ask if there's any news on the development of these? I've been looking forward to these since last summer when they were initially scheduled to come out, and pretty sad to see no news at all about them. 


I see that the focus seems to be about building affiliates at the moment, which is cool. I'm just looking for an update. Or even just a reason as to why it's just not out yet. Too busy? Coach doesn't think the public is ready from what he's seen in seminars and affiliate feedback? Anything to satisfy the craving.


Now I'll get back to planning my HS workout in an hour!

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Nicholas Green

At this point, just think of Movement like Half Life 3. We don't know when it's going to come out. No one is going to divulge any information about it out of turn. Just know that when it finally comes out, it's going to be awesome.

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Bryan Wheelock

I think the movement course is complete and Coach is waiting to have enough Foundation users to have a huge payday when it's released. That's what I would do.

Once movement is released, it's only a matter of time before the copy cats steal the ideas.

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I think the movement course is complete and Coach is waiting to have enough Foundation users to have a huge payday when it's released. That's what I would do.

Once movement is released, it's only a matter of time before the copy cats steal the ideas.

I don't think it's Coach worrying about not gaining enough money/losing money.  It's been 2.5 years since F1 was out.  Plenty of times for "copy cats" but still nothing remotely close to F1 back in 2013.

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Movement will be released when it is ready. This will revolutionize the way trainees approach movement in the same way Foundation did with training strength and mobility. So it has to be just right and once it is it, we'll be ready for release. :)


Until then, asking when it will be released does nothing towards making it released earlier. I don't see enough planches and mannas here so you have plenty to work on prior to release!

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Kevin Conley

I was involved in bodyweight conditioning before Building the Gymnastic Body book came out. There was nothing anywhere about gymnastic specific exercises back then on the internet except drills and skills and a few obscure sites that didn't really explain much of anything. It is funny how after BTGB and Foundation series came out how different the videos, resources and general knowledge of all this is now.

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Briac Roquet

First time it was supposed to be released, Coach said it was delayed because it was greatly expanded. In Stroud, Coach told us what was planned was pretty much ready but that he was thinking about adding to it, I don't remember much (I learned to be patient, see, I'm a Star Citizen fan) except something like 'a course within a course.'


So I don't know what will be in this course exactly, but I guess it'll have a very high density of content. 

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Redwan Haque

Are Rings 2-4 in a similar state (almost done, but not quite 'right' yet) or are they further behind? Will they be released alongside Movement 1-3 or much later than all of them?

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Briac Roquet

As for Rings, I think it's just a matter of not enough people having finished Foundation.  ;) Don't know if it's ready or not, but no sense in spending time on it when nobody else is ready.

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Keilani Gutierrez
On 8/14/2015 at 12:03 AM, Bro said:

First time it was supposed to be released, Coach said it was delayed because it was greatly expanded. In Stroud, Coach told us what was planned was pretty much ready but that he was thinking about adding to it, I don't remember much (I learned to be patient, see, I'm a Star Citizen fan) except something like 'a course within a course.'


So I don't know what will be in this course exactly, but I guess it'll have a very high density of content. 

oh man is it going to be huge, what Coach Sommer mentioned in the seminar has me SUPER amped on these courses. however, working on our joint prep is exactly what we could be doing in the meantime. it's going to cover quite a lot of ground and the entire body.


On 8/14/2015 at 2:30 AM, Bro said:

As for Rings, I think it's just a matter of not enough people having finished Foundation.  ;) Don't know if it's ready or not, but no sense in spending time on it when nobody else is ready.

definitely gotta work on foundation mobility and the handstand courses need to be mastered before heading into R2 and Foundation 1-3 need to be mastered before venturing into Movement 2.

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Jean-Rene Losier
On 8/14/2015 at 12:08 PM, Keilani Gutierrez said:


 oh man is it going to be huge, what Coach Sommer mentioned in the GB seminar has me SUPER amped on these courses. however, working on our joint prep is exactly what we could be doing in the meantime. it's going to cover quite a lot of ground and the entire body.

Definitely getting that done. Been making A LOT of progress with those stretch courses. I also added the online classes at the end of my Foundation/Handstand workouts for conditioning since that felt like it was my weakness and I'm loving them! So I have no doubt that the movement courses will be awesome. That little tidbit you just mentioned about how it'll be huge has now gotten ME super excited. 

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Daniel Taylor-Shaut

Considering that Movement 1 claims corequisites that range from Foundation 1 - Foundation 3, it's pretty inherent that the later you are into Foundation the easier it will be to transition into Movement. This assumption is also based off of Coach's comment that if one wished they could begin R1 after finishing Foundation 2, but that if they waited for R1 until F4 that it'd pay dividends in their rate of progress, so I'd say it's safe to say that most people while able to begin Movement 1 while in Foundation 1 would probably do themselves a bigger favor by waiting until they've progressed later on.


Needless to say, I am curious to see what Movement 1 holds, but I feel the same way about Foundation 3...and 4...and Handstand 2...and Rings 1...and my future...and the afterlife, but I digress.

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Considering that Movement 1 claims corequisites that range from Foundation 1 - Foundation 3, it's pretty inherent that the later you are into Foundation the easier it will be to transition into Movement. This assumption is also based off of Coach's comment that if one wished they could begin R1 after finishing Foundation 2, but that if they waited for R1 until F4 that it'd pay dividends in their rate of progress, so I'd say it's safe to say that most people while able to begin Movement 1 while in Foundation 1 would probably do themselves a bigger favor by waiting until they've progressed later on.


Needless to say, I am curious to see what Movement 1 holds, but I feel the same way about Foundation 3...and 4...and Handstand 2...and Rings 1...and my future...and the afterlife, but I digress.

You're confusing a corequisite with a prerequisite. :) Movement, Foundation One and Handstand One should all be trained together. You just won't be able to start Movement 2 until you've completed F3.

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Kasper Stangerup

I can't help feeling that, seeing as the stretching has helped a lot with foundation progress (eg. certain excercises involving compression gets easier when you work on your hamstring flexibility), might this also be the case with M1? And if so, wouldn't we benefit by actually having M1 to work on in parallel with F1-2, instead of only getting to it after we've moved on?

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Considering the number of courses that have been released, this year. I don't expect Movement one to be released until maybe next year.


Then again, I am waiting for the Hungarian course(s) and I am certain Coach won't release that until maybe closer to 2020. In the meantime I have got weaknesses I am currently strengthening and a whole lot of core strengthening that needs to be done.

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Romulo Malta


Then again, I am waiting for the Bulgarian course(s) .

Did you mean Hungarian?

Oh gosh, that is so far... I prefer to focus on what I must do right now

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  • 2 weeks later...
Jonathan Pettit

I was just checking the GB Curriculum page and really noticed the following: Movement 1 has corequisites up to F3!  Movement 2 doesn't come until F4 and Movement 3 needs F4 complete.


Thinking about this makes me realize Movement 1 will likely have years worth of content.  I mean, for it to satisfy us until starting F4, it would have to.  That makes me excited, which makes waiting harder, but it also means the final product will almost certainly blow us away, which makes the waiting somewhat bearable.  

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